When I'm 16...

A conversation I overheard between Miss V, Miss F and a few other kids at the park...

Girl in green: "When I'm 16 my mummy says I can get my ears pierced!"

Girl in yellow: "When I'm 16, I'm allowed to go on a plane by myself!"

Boy in blue: "When I'm 16 I can drive a car!"

Miss V: "When I'm 16, I can join Mensa!"

Which is nothing compared to...

Miss F: "When I'm 16 I'm allowed to have sex."


MissyBoo said...

LOL! I should have guessed that would spring from the mouth of a Kewl girl ;)

Brenda said...

Bwahahaha. End of comment.

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

PMSL ...

PlanningQueen said...

Cannot believe that - hilarious! I really do love the MENSA comment.