Shared learning - Best of

Miss V, "What are those birds doing?"
Miss J, "They're mating."
Miss V, "Are they friends?"
Miss J, "No they are having sex. Animal sex is called mating."
Miss V, "Do people have mating?"
Miss J, "No V, people have sex. Animals mate."
Miss V, "But why is it called different?"
Miss J, "Ummmm......................... Because people are sexier than animals."
Miss V, "Ohhhhhhh."


MissyBoo said...

I'm with Miss J, people are sexier than birds :)

Maude Lynn said...

Makes sense to me!

Anonymous said...


Those are smart kiddos!

Blossom said...

oh my........too funny!!!!!

Unknown said...

is that why guys who aren't into commitment call women "chicks"? lol

you have very wise young women there Mother Kewl :-)